
Using the struct keyword, you can define custom data types in Rust applications or libraries.

Structs can have zero or more "fields." Each field has a name and a data type.

Basic Struct

Let's say you want to define a custom Rust struct that represents a dog. 🐕 We will define two fields on the struct that represent:

  • The dog's breed, as a String value
  • The dog's age, as an unsigned 8-bit integer u8
fn main() {
struct Dog {
  breed: String,
  age: u8,

Instantiate Struct

The struct itself only defines the structure of an object, like a blueprint for a house or car. In order to create an actual dog, we have to instantiate the struct.

To create a struct instance, we use curly braces after the struct name. Inside the curly braces, we specify field names, followed by the values to assign to each field.

fn main() {
let dog01 = Dog{ breed: "German Shepherd".to_string(), age: 9, };
let dog02 = Dog{ breed: "Border Collie".to_string(), age: 5, };
let dog03 = Dog{ breed: "Australian Shepherd".to_string(), age: 3, };

Tuple Structs

A special type of struct known as a tuple-based struct can have unnamed fields, rather than named fields. To access fields from a tuple, you would use the index number of the field, starting at 0, and incrementing by 1.

For example, let's say that you want to define a custom Person type, with a few fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Year Born
fn main() {
struct Person(String, String, i16);

To instantiate this tuple-based struct, simply use the following syntax.

fn main() {
let p1 = Person("Trevor".to_string(), "Sullivan".to_string(), 1984);

You can access the last name field by using the index 1, and the year born with 2. As you can see, these are still valid struct fields, but the fields don't have names, just indexes.

fn main() {
println!("Your last name is {} and were born in the year {}", p1.1, p1.2);

Public Structs

If a struct needs to be accessible outside of a Rust module, use the pub keyword to make it "publicly" visible. By default, structs are private members of a module.

fn main() {
pub struct Person {
  first_name: String,

NOTE: Trailing commas are supported in Rust, but are not required.